Judge: How large do you think this tank was? Cutter: Eh... 400, 500 gallons, maybe. Judge: And how do you think he was able to move ta tank of this size? Cutter: He's the magician. Why don't you ask him?
Cutter: Could I talk to Lord Caldlow in person? Owens: Out of the question, I'm afraid. Although I suppose if, in the course of your deliveries, your paths were to cross... I can't help you speaking your mind.
Although the French appellation system has its roots in the 1923 system created in Chateauneuf-du-Pape by Baron Le Roy, proprietor of the renowned Chateau Fortia, Chateauneuf-du-Pape never developed a reputation for quality or achieved the prestige e...
[after finding Gerald Root, Angier's new double] Cutter: He's perfect. He needs some work, but when I get through with him, he could be your brother. Robert Angier: I don't need him to be my brother, I need him to be *me*!
[Borden is explaining how he used a double in his act] Alfred Borden: What I didn't count on was that, when I incorporated this bloke into my act, he had complete power over me. Gerald Root: Complete power, you say?
I have done many movies that people hadn't seen. 'The Fountain,' I spent a year on that. 'The Prestige' with Chris Nolan, and 'Australia.' From my perspective it's very satisfying. Some movies people see and other movies they don't. 'Wolverine,' 'X M...
...Individualistic material progress and the desire to gain prestige by coming out on top have taken over from the sense of fellowship, compassion and community. Now people live more or less on their own in a small house, jealously guarding their goo...
The inability of Darwinian psychology to account for human reasoning is devastating to its pretensions to be a science. The prestige of science depends on the application of highly advanced practical and theoretical reason. A 'science' that is incomp...
If a man is powerful, then his rival must therefore also be powerful. The other’s prestige enhances your own. So choose your enemies wisely. My enemy is so great he won’t be born like a normal man. Oh, not Immaculate Conception like my God, but h...
Well people are just one species too, aren't they. And it's never stopped them fighting with each other; all the same species and think of all the excuses for war they've used! It hasn't had to be about space to live in, it's been about power, presti...
Sarah: Alfred, I can't live like this! Alfred Borden: Well, what do you want from me? Sarah: I want... I want you to be honest with me. No tricks, no lies, no secrets. [pause] Sarah: Do you... do you love me? Alfred Borden: Not today. No.
Judge: What a way to kill someone. Cutter: They're magicians, your honor. Men who live by dressing up plain and simple truths to shock, to amaze. Judge: Even without an audience? Cutter: There was an audience. You see, this water tank was of particul...
Alfred Borden: He came in to demand an answer and I told him the truth. That I have fought with myself over that night, one half of me swearing blind that I tied a simple slipknot, the other half convinced that I tied the Langford double. I can never...
[Olivia visits Alfred Borden in his workshop. Bernard Fallon is there too] Olivia Wenscombe: I'm here to give your show what's still missing. Alfred Borden: Yeah? What might that be? Olivia Wenscombe: Me. [Borden laughs] Alfred Borden: I was just say...
Sarah: Alfred I can't live like *this*! Alfred Borden: Well, what do you want from me? Sarah: I want - I want you to be, honest with me. No tricks, no lies, no secrets. [pause] Sarah: Do you - do you love me? Alfred Borden: Not today. No.
Sarah: I know what you really are, and Alfred, I can't live like this. Alfred Borden: Oh, you think I can live like this? You think I bloody enjoy living like this? We have a beautiful house, lovely little girl, we're married, what is *so* wrong with...
It seems to me that the Russian prestige is declining and that America holds in its hands the immediate future of the world: as long as America knows how to develop the sense of the earth at the same time as her sense of liberty." [Written from Pekin...
God has chosen to save the world through the cross, through the shameful and powerless death of the crucified Messiah. If that shocking event is the revelation of the deepest truth about the character of God, then our whole way of seeing the world is...
Men’s economic privilege, their social value, the prestige of marriage, the usefulness of masculine support—all these encourage women to ardently want to please men. They are on the whole still in a state of serfdom. It follows that woman knows a...
I try to keep in my mind the simple question: Am I trying to do good or make myself look good? Too many of our responsibilities get added to our plate when we are trying to please people, impress people, prove ourselves, acquire power, increase our p...
Olivia Wenscombe: You married her. You had a child with her. Alfred Borden: Yes. Part of me did. But the other part... the other part didn't. The part that found you, the part that's sitting here right now. Olivia Wenscombe: You could be in some othe...