The right to revolt has sources deep in our history.
No state legislature ever built a great university.
Every calling is great when greatly pursued.
We had to go on and do the work of the court and we did.
Obama sees everything backward. Where Americans see individual achievement, he sees government's work. Where we see failing companies, he sees innovation worth subsidizing. Where we see the need for economic growth, he sees a need for higher taxes.
I am opposed to Obama's efforts to destroy the American economy. I'm opposed to Obama's efforts to so-called fix the health care system. I'm opposed to the way Obama wants to go about fixing unemployment.
According to Gallup, Obama has already lost support among Jewish voters, down from 78 percent to 68 percent. If Romney shows that he is genuinely committed to Israel and that Obama is not, he'll make further inroads.
Barack Obama is not Harry Truman, who dropped the A-bomb on Japan to stop World War II. Barack Obama is not John F. Kennedy, who lowered marginal tax rates to get economic growth and job creation. Barack Obama and the far left, they are a completely ...
I'm a New Yorker, and I jaywalk with the best of them.
Michelle Obama, you're one hot mama.
Tone on jazz guitars is a real tough issue.
I'm going to change everything you believe about HUD.
You have to have sharp elbows if you want to change something.
An important part of what the state does is preserving its history.
We just wanted to do a chip that tasted great, but wasn't bad for you.
Politicians are good listeners. Because if they're not, they aren't politicians for very long.
I never saw the play, although I heard it was good.
Good television people have a sense of what television people relate to.
China has concluded that trade trumps all.
The poor despise labor when performed by slaves.
I worked in the Clinton administration.