Es hilft unendlich viel zum Frieden, nicht auf den anderen zu warten, bis er kommt, sondern auf ihn zuzugehen."
I think it shows that if you have one group of people doing it, you'll get another group of people doing it.
There are loads of countries that have nice written constitutions like ours. But there aren't loads of countries where they're followed.
What's happened is that an incessant, an insidious insurgency has repeatedly attacked the key infrastructure targets, reducing outputs.
Mitt Romney saying that Barack Obama gets an F is one of the most ridiculous things that he has said in this race.
When you really listen to another person from their point of view, and reflect back to them that understanding, it's like giving them emotional oxygen.
Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition - such as lifting weights - we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity.
As a parent, if give yourself what you need, your children will watch you doing that and will give themselves what they need.
Opposites attract, and I think temperament is so fundamental that you end up craving someone of the opposite temperament to complete you.
Unlike the phone system, which is engineered around an application, the Internet layered model allows you to, in essence, separate applications from infrastructure.
I could have possibly beaten Senator McCain in the primary. Then I could have been the candidate who lost to Barack Obama.
I've met graduating college kids facing loan payments and a bad economy, and they are worried that they won't be able to get a job. This is not the way America needs to be.
Conservatives believe in providing Constitutional rights to our citizens, not to enemy combatants like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Through pro-growth policies, by abolishing Obamacare and eliminating other Obama-imposed impediments to economic growth, we will get our economy back on track.
Books can capture injustices in a way that stays with you and makes you want to do something about them. That's why they are so powerful.
A talib fires three shots at point-blank range at three girls in a van and doesn't kill any of them. This seems an unlikely story.
Even we schoolchildren know that ordinary diplomats don't drive around in unmarked cars carrying Glock pistols.
Islam tells us every girl and boy should be educated. I don't know why the Taliban have forgotten it.
I was born a proud daughter of Pakistan, though like all Swatis I thought of myself first as a Swati and Pashtun, before Pakistani.
Gliders, sail planes, they're wonderful flying machines. It's the closest you can come to being a bird.
I fully expected that, by the end of the century, we would have achieved substantially more than we actually did.