At night when I used to sleep, I was thinking all the time that shall I put a knife under my pillow.
I have been a judge for 15 years and I've made up my own mind during all that time.
Each time I see a split infinitive, an inconsistent tense structure or the unnecessary use of the passive voice, I blister.
I think the industry finally gets it. They've lost the connection with the American public, and they've got to rebuild the trust with the American public.
Federal gas tax revenues that are paid into the trust fund by highway users should be used for programs that benefit highway users.
Trust cannot be commanded; and yet it is also correct that the only one who earns trust is the one who is prepared to grant trust.
We have been given the trust and goodwill of New Zealanders. I do not take that trust for granted, and I never will.
Positioning the brand and regaining trust are all smart things for us to do and those are the litmus tests for any decisions we make.
I have often said one of the reasons more blacks don't support Republicans is because they don't trust the GOP establishment.
Barack Obama isn't the first politician to break a promise, torture the truth or outright lie to the American people. But, he certainly is among the most accomplished at it.
The ability of big money to shape perceptions - where you have four anti-climate lobbyists for every single member of the House and Senate - is a big factor.
I never planned to be rich, frankly speaking. I was more interested in being free, and doing things. And money helps. But otherwise I was never that interested in it.
If you've got an industry where you've got massive investment, it doesn't matter whether you bring in alternative supplies. You still lose the money on that industry.
Trusting people to pursue their own futures invariably provides better outcomes. Money goes where it is needed, rather than being absorbed by administration costs.
People have their constitutional right to contribute to a campaign and if they have discretionary money that they want to contribute to a candidate, whether a Republican or a Democrat, they should be able to do so.
Congress, the press, and the bureaucracy too often focus on how much money or effort is spent, rather than whether the money or effort actually achieves the announced goal.
Enlightened despots are mythical creatures; real despots seem more interested in stealing money or installing their sons after them.
I'm outraged that we're building roads, schools, and hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that we're doing it with borrowed money from China that we're paying interest on. I'm outraged.
We can safely abandon the doctrine of the eighties, namely that the rich were not working because they had too little money, the poor because they had much.
If we're all together, we have money, and we start to organize, you're going to see the Teamsters Union start to bloom.
Large sums were paid for the use of money, because the available amount of gold and silver was far less than was needed to carry on the commercial transactions of the times.