Mr. President, it may surprise my colleagues, but I am no fan of federal disaster programs for agriculture. They are difficult to pass and often a disaster to implement.
The day I became press secretary to the President of the United States, I was in an entirely different world from the one I'd been in the day before.
The president is just the coach of a football team. You need the right support, the right stadium, the right players, the right staff. An excellent coach is not going to win games.
I would argue that the next President, either Bush or Gore, should strike a 'national' posture, exhibiting generosity toward the defeated opponent, but proceeding with determination to implement an agenda.
There are examples of ex-presidents speaking out. Jimmy Carter has not held back on a variety of issues. Harry Truman didn't.
The greatest presidents have been those who demonstrated astute judgment in times of crisis - often despite the advice they were getting.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most influential woman in Washington - for what she has accomplished and for what she may yet do: win the presidency.
I am not liked as a President by the politicians in office, in the press, or in Congress. But I am content to abide the judgment the sober second thought of the people.
The president took the advice of my East Texas grandmother: If you can skin a cat without getting the room all bloody, why not do it that way?
If I wanted to be president, and if I were ever serious about it, the biggest thing I would have going for me is that I'm a conservative.
The erosion of privacy rights under the Fourth Amendment, written to protect us against unreasonable search and seizure, began in earnest under President George W. Bush.
Understand who you are, so that you can be the same, whether you're talking to a homeless person or the president of the United States. You're the same person.
The fact that one can lose one's sense of self in an ocean of tranquility does not mean that one's consciousness is immaterial or that it presided over the birth of the universe.
President Reagan, of course, did more than any other person to entrench the Republican reputation for toughness on national security.
All presidents swear an oath to the Constitution to keep this country united, and when the country fell apart, Lincoln had to put it back together again, with a lot of help. But he bore total responsibility.
However, this President sees no problem eliminating funding for Perkins Loans in his budget, even though the cost of tuition is rising and will continue to rise as the administration's policies force inflation.
But here's the bottom line, the president of the United States, he controls the bully pulpit, he can talk about anything he wants to talk about.
There are stereotypes - it's like an invisible line, but somehow you have to find the energy to be strong, to be super-confident, no matter if you are in front of the president of the U.S. or anyone else.
While President Bush's tax give-aways for the rich are pushing us further into debt, he compensates by increasing the out-of-pocket costs to our veterans.
Japan and China are isolated and without intercourse with other countries; hence the President directed me to attend to or watch the state of affairs in China also.
The President wishes the Japanese to be very prudent about the introduction of opium, and if a treaty is made, he wishes that opium may be strictly prohibited.