I was praised in the U.S. and heavily, brutally criticized in France.
I'm a pro-life, pro-gun Louisiana Democrat.
I am a small-town girl.
I'm asking regular folks to be my super PAC.
The fact is that racism, despite all the doomsayers, has diminished.
Always focus on the front windshield and not the review mirror.
Secrecy is the first essential in affairs of state.
Secrecy is the first essential in affairs of the State.
Taiwan is an independent sovereign country.
Mr. Snowden is a coward who has chosen to run.
Democrats don't relate to middle-class people.
As the economy grows, so will the demand for energy.
Angels are warriors of God. I'm a soldier.
I will either find a way, or make one.
Be moderate in everything, including moderation.
Gentlemen don't read each other's mail.
The only deadly sin I know is cynicism.
He suffered from a rush of words to the head.
Of course we have to address the deficit if we win.
People want to make sacrifices but they don't want to be sacrificed.
I want to be a mayor who helped, really helped.