If you have a solution to immigration, it is possible to come home and defend it.
Parents have the ability to screen their children's Internet access at home.
And at home in the United States we found continued and increased persecution, first of leaders of the Communist Party, and then of all honest anti-fascists.
Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them.
I know it starts at home, but all families are not staying together.
I hope to stand firm enough to not go backward, and yet not go forward fast enough to wreck the country's cause.
I think that as I continue to write, my writing I hope will become more controversial and more provocative.
Someday I hope to write a book where the royalties will pay for the copies I give away.
Our only real hope for democracy is that we get the money out of politics entirely and establish a system of publicly funded elections.
The murder of Lumumba, in which the U.S. was involved, in the Congo destroyed Africa's major hope for development. Congo is now total horror story, for years.
Radical Islamist extremists surely hope that an attack on Iraq will kill many people and destroy much of the country, providing recruits for terrorist actions.
I filed the first gay rights bill in Massachusetts history in 1972 in the legislature, one of the first in the country.
Hubert Humphrey talks so fast that listening to him is like trying to read Playboy magazine with your wife turning the pages.
Nixon's full term was one of the most successful in U.S. history, which is why he was re-elected by the largest plurality in the country's history.
I don't think we handled the aftermath of the fall of Baghdad as well as we might have. But that's now history.
I would also argue... that we are, by inclination and in terms of our history, we are small 'l' liberals, we Canadians.
Marxism conceives of the new system of socialism as the necessary outcome of all previous history made possible and necessary only by that previous history.
America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.
During the 1990s, San Francisco lived through one of the most intense economic booms of its history.
The reform process began with the historic consensus on the Charter of National Action, in which the Bahraini people decided on a new chapter of their history.
In the long course of history, having people who understand your thought is much greater security than another submarine.