My own mother always taught me that fairness was a family value - I think equal pay is about fairness for everyone.
Our family has lived in Iran for 2,500 years, and Iranian Jewry has the long history in that land.
My #1 driving force is my lord and savior Jesus Christ. Also my family, my wife and children.
My mother desperately wanted to give her kids a wholesome environment, and we were born into a traditional Catholic family.
What happens across the planet can have a greater impact on your family than what happens down the street.
There wasn't a rich father or rich family that paid for everything that I have right now, so I worked my way.
The family exists in order to allow women to have children and to have the protection of a male who takes care of them.
Defend the church. Defend the family. Defend the non-profit community. Defend them against a government that wants to weaken them.
The more money you take away from families is the less power that family has. And that's a basic power.
There were never any doctors in my family. But my grandparents and my mother had a strong social conscience that was formative.
The average family spends 30 hours in front of a television, and they say they don't have the time to have a balanced, integrated life.
Family home evening is more for the purpose of teaching values and gospel principles, displaying talents and enjoying different kinds of family fun and activities.
We wish that all countries around the world honor our wishes and our Jihad, and we avoid interfering in their business.
Jesus picked up twelve men from the bottom ranks of business and forged them into an organisation that conquered the world.
I think any man in business would be foolish to fool around with his secretary. If it's somebody else's secretary, fine.
Democrats' attack on the Republican majority leader is nothing but a coordinated agenda to stop an effective leader from accomplishing the people's business.
After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.
The fact is that one of the earliest lessons I learned in business was that balance sheets and income statements are fiction, cash flow is reality.
You know, every family and every business in California knows what it means to go through tough times.
My business is the enforcement of the tax laws and the integrity of the tax code and making sure that trustees of charitable giving are true trustees.
We, as conservative intellectuals, should not be in the business of making excuses for bad parliamentary decisions by Republican leaders in Congress.