And what do I think about? What thoughts do I have! - What thoughts! a whole host, multitude, and world of thoughts, I keep devising new ones and reworking old ones, some of the old ones are concluded and are only thought of as conclusions, whole wor...
On evenings, I spent the entire study period reading.... From that time on, the world began to broaden around me, beyond any tangible limits. The world, as portrayed in those works destined for young people, was divided in two: an ordinary, everyday ...
The love of God is constantly active and present. His love didn't just happen once. It's forever moving in you and in your life.
Last month we had to sit through a presentation on eliminating redundancy, and it was a bunch of Power Point slides, plus a guy reading out what was on the slides, and then he gave us all hard copies. I don’t understand these things.
And what, brothers, I had to escape into sleep from then was the horrible and wrong feeling that it was better to get the hit than give it. If that veck had stayed I might even have like presented the other cheek.
The snapshots in CHINA: Portrait of a People are not meant to be works of art. I was too preoccupied with participating, with reveling in the moment, to worry about their perfection. Their purpose, then, is to form a candid portrait of China exactly ...
He’s the kind of kid who, just looking at him, you know gets bullied by the older boys and takes it out on everyone who is either weaker than him or required to refrain from smacking him.
I have never tried to walk through a mall in the Christmas season dressed like a jolly old elf. You might as well dress up like a pork chop and walk into an alley full of starving dogs.
When we walk with knowledge in our present and wisdom from our past we are able to discern how to prepare for tomorrow". HS/el
Consciousness can travel through space or can be present at multiple locations simultaneously. A conscious mind here can create a material change there, and is not limited by time and space or any physical forces.
The real social contract, (Edmund Burke) argued, was not Rousseau's social contract between the noble savage and the General Will, but a "partnership" between the present generation and future generations.
History, rather than following a predictable path from the past to the present, is like a meander: a twisting and turning stream shaped over time by a combination of obvious and imperceptible forces.
We must trust to nothing but facts: These are presented to us by Nature, and cannot deceive. We ought, in every instance, to submit our reasoning to the test of experiment, and never to search for truth but by the natural road of experiment and obser...
We are all entitled to make mistakes, but what separates a hero from a villain is how we learn from those mistakes. A villain will see his past as a weakness to be erased. A hero will see his past as experience, to be acknowledged and incorporated in...
The depressed person is mired in the past; the manic person is obsessed with the future. Both destroy the present in the process.
Change is not what we expect from religious people. They tend to love the past more than the present or the future.
I would wonder if you could be a hero or heroine if you did not live in deep time, that is, Past, present, and future all at once.
All right," Clara said. "We have our swordsman, so let's get moving. Brigan, could you attempt, at least, to make yourself presentable? I know this is a war, but the rest of us are trying to pretend it's a party.
For now I sit on my final island of the present as my radius of memory shrinks; lost already are the islands of work, of old friendships...Other islands fade as I brood upon them.
...stories that rise from deep suffering can provide the most potent remedies for past, present, and even future ills.
To bring about the new takes not just a development of the old, but a radical leap forward - revolutionary and transforming - and that requires extra factors that were not present before.