Love does not only need a taste, but it also needs a present.
The sum of all the current regulations presents ever increasing hurdles.
I think I have between twenty and thirty commercials playing at present.
I try to always stretch myself to fit the characters that have been presented.
It is always easier to write from the heart and deal with things in the present.
The usefulness of a meeting rises with the square of the number of people present.
I always feel kind of absurd and presumptuous presenting a speech.
Many of our choices have led to the predicaments we are presently complaining about.
Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.
Respect the past, and prepare for the future by taking action in the present.
In network TV, you have to present the box before you can step outside it.
Lets stop worrying about future and lets start enjoying the present.
When you are present, the world is truly alive.
To tell you the truth, it's a complex piece, so I can't really answer your question at present.
The mind is always present. You just don't see it.
I think there's value in experience and observations that link past to present.
Rice at present prices provides more food for the money than most of the other cereals.
Beauty is the first present nature gives to women and the first it takes away.
Recording at home enables one to eliminate the demo stage, and the presentation stage in the studio, too.
But I also like to shower my parents with presents. I bought them a beautiful car and a house.
People say I don't write books, I make Christmas presents.