I have an amazing spouse; we're a team. He works, and I work, and we sort of do this dance with each other so that we can be present to our kids. But I think the whole 'balance' thing is an illusion; we just embrace the imbalance.
When we hear some beautiful piece of Mozart or admire a wonderful building, we suddenly become present in ourselves. That's unusual nowadays because dishevelment and distraction have become an art form.
It is commonplace, and true, to point out that animals are happier than people because they live entirely in the present.
Yes, memories do haunt. Memories of a happy past, in the expectation of a bleak future, in a sad present. - Anita
If what we presently believe to be true is not producing a Kingdom result, we may need to reconsider what we believe to be true.
What Paul understands by holiness or sanctification (is) the learning in the present of the habits which anticipate the ultimate future.
No matter how happy I had been in the past I do not long for it. The present is always the moment for which I love.
The future presented by the internet is the mass amateurization of publishing and a switch from 'Why publish this?' to 'Why not?
Presently the small of coffee began to fill the room. This was morning’s hallowed moment. In such a fragrance the perversity of the world is forgotten, and the soul is inspired with faith in the future…
Past beings interact with present ones because life and death are a continuum and expiration entails no loss of vital essence.
If I shut everything else out and filled the room with memories, the past could become the present, and I could live there, with him. I would never leave.
Christ's humanity is presentation, His words & works are the substance encapsulating his Divinity". ~R. Alan Woods [2013]
Living communion with God in which He is real, alive, fresh, and present to your soul energizes a God-centered life.
Let me be content with myself to the degree that my capacity to serve others is present, yet discontent with myself to the degree that I may still like to grow in better service for others.
It is important to be considerate of the future, but when we invest all of our present in our future hopes, we are placing a lot of value on what is inevitably in doubt.
The past is important for all the information and wisdom it holds. But you can get lost in it. You've got to learn to keep the knowledge of the past with you as you pursue the present.
Rover did not know in the least where the moon's path led to, and at present he was much too frightened and excited to ask, and anyway he was beginning to get used to extraordinary things happening to him.
Easter was when Hope in person surprised the whole world by coming forward from the future into the present.
Only in the present is your mind free to do what it does best — solve problems.
A meaningful relationship between two people cannot sustain itself only in the present tense.
An artist has got to get acquainted with himself just as much as he can. It is no easy job, for it is not a present-day habit of humanity.