When presented with a member of the opposite sex, some of us get numbers and some of us throw up.
Anatomy of a BoyfriendLook beyond the present circumstances, imagine a brighter future.
The Alphabets of Success: Passion Driven LifeThe future goal is the thing which produces character in the present.
After You Believe: Why Christian Character MattersOur future experiences will be colored by the choices we make in the present.
Against the Stream: A Buddhist Manual for Spiritual RevolutionariesThe future was with Fate. The present was our own. ~ The Poison Belt
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: 12 TitlesI would have no need for the Memory Of Things past if those which were Present were more agreeable
HawksmoorA Wasn’t just isn't. He just isn't present. But you… You ARE YOU! And, now isn't that pleasant!
Happy Birthday to You!The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.
The Inheritance of Loss...eyes that, like those of children, look at an eternal present without forgiveness.
If on a Winter's Night a TravelerThe only principle of Success in Life :"You must be present to win.
KISS Life "Life is what you make it"