She'd always despised the whole other woman thing, but here she was, entertaining the possibility.
A Cry From The DeepIntuition is the lifeblood of a woman and the essential character of a man."-Serena Jade
Charismatic Connection: The Authentic Soul Mate ExperienceIs there any creature on earth as unfortunate as an ugly woman? (wonders Lady Catelyn Stark)
A Clash of KingsAn artist is like a woman who can do nothing but love, and who succumbs to every stray male jackass.
The ClownWhere the hell is your sense of self-preservation, woman? You reckless, beautiful, stray cat!
The Calling...for if a woman's body can attract the holy angels, how much more the unholy man.
Classic Quotations From The OtherworldsYou looked like you’d been trying to fade away. I thought you were a woman who needed to be seen.
Demon Bait