Music; worship and prayer to God.
I prefer a story to a prayer.
My mom taught us the Serenity Prayer at a young age.
A prayer is a chat with thy God.
Prayer is better than pills.
Peace is possible, and it will take a miracle.
Prayer and comfortable living are incompatible.
The best prayers have often more groans than words.
The prayers of cowards fortune spurns.
We touch the last reality directly in prayer.
Prayer: the key of the day and the lock of the night.
Prayer is where the action is.
I believe in prayer. I believe in gratitude and serving people.
Prayer is a confession of one's own unworthiness and weakness.
I am walking proof of the power of prayer.
Prayers not felt by us are seldom heard by God.
Our families should gather for family prayer morning and night.
God hears a mother's prayer.
For prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
God answers prayers, but he doesn't always answer it your way.