I wasn't scared of losing my past. i was scared of losing my future.
The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them NowNothing important should ever be more than two clicks away.
Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web UsabilityGod loves us so much that he doesn’t let us live forever so we can stop making mistakes
Darkness Left UndoneWe are a motley bunch. But we more than make up for it with tenacity." ~ Ralston to Simon
Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke's HeartI only love when money makes a difference and not makes you different.
Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare PoliticsMake the money, don't let the money make you.. Change the game, don't let the game change you
Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare PoliticsIt takes courage to violate expectations, but sometimes the reward is a new level of success.
The Fire in Fiction: Passion, Purpose and Techniques to Make Your Novel Great