It makes no sense to try to forge the iron whilst it is still cold.
He who hides his faults plans to make more.
Make sure you leave some fat for the other side.
If you make yourself into a doormat, people will wipe their feet on you.
A deaf husband and a blind wife will always make a happy couple.
Before you make a friend, eat a pack of salt with him.
One penny in the pot makes more noise than when it is full.
Most men employ the earlier part of their life to make the other miserable.
People always make the wolf more formidable than he is.
You cannot make a beautiful plumage out of a pig's tail.
Empty barrels and insignificant people always make the most noise.
Grapes picked too early don't even make good vinegar.
Two coins in a purse make more noise than a hundred.
Many dogs kill a hare, no matter how many turns it makes.
Too much prosperity makes most men fools.
It is precisely the uncertainty of this world that makes life worth living.
Dogs cannot make dreams come true -- people must do that.
Divorce a young woman and you make another man happy.
From all the fish in the pot you can only make one soup.
Before you make a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.
If you don't have a hundred rubles, make sure you have a hundred friends.