If you want to make it human, make it whole.
The trouble in America is not that we are making too many mistakes, but that we are making too few.
The filmmaker's got to make it his story and the actors have got to make it their story.
Football's in my blood - and eventually I want to be the one making decisions.
it's really make sense when it's does not make sense
I was always inventing characters and making up stories.
So, you can make me come, that doesn't make you Jesus.
LIFE is what YOU make it. Make sure it's AWESOME.
I remember making up songs in my head.
Today's make believe is tomorrow's creativity.
breaks the cycle of bad decision making
Fear makes the possible look impossible; faith makes the impossible, possible.
You gotta make it a priority to make your priorities a priority.
I don't make films for other people; I make films for me.
It's an unusual situation for me to be working and making a living.
We make versions, and true versions make worlds.
It takes two to make a marriage a success and only one to make it a failure.
Every business is there to make money, and making a record is business. This tends to be forgotten by many.
The idea of sitting at home, not making music, just makes me want to throw up.
Real comedy doesn't just make people laugh and think, but makes them laugh and change.
The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you'll make one.