Divorce, she could see, would be like marriage - a power grab, as in who would be the dog, and who would be the owner of the dog.
The arrogance of the human mind is too fragile, as well as the patience of the human character. It is because of that, they fail to see the power of mere observation and systematic analysis.
Because we are a globally connected village, we need to remember that our choices are not isolated. They have a powerful ripple effect, and that ripple is global.
No one should expect building a new high-growth, software-powered company in an established industry to be easy. It's brutally difficult.
It is this belief in a power larger than myself and other than myself which allows me to venture into the unknown and even the unknowable.
Expand your world. (Stories about wizards and spells) are very frequently about power relationships...
Caring for your inner child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result: Do it and the child heals.
The national will is the supreme law of the Republic, and on all subjects within the limits of his constitutional powers should be faithfully obeyed by the public servant.
Do you want to make it impossible for anyone to oppress his fellow-man? Then make sure that no one shall possess power.
I recognize the power of silence in an extroverted world but there is a time for silence and a time to speak up about things that matter that continue to be left unsaid.
The lecturer should give the audience full reason to believe that all his powers have been exerted for their pleasure and instruction.
Have confidence. Like the first spark of morning light against the entire night sky recognize the Power and Brilliance within you.
Be Like Lightning Which Has The Power To Animate Or Destroy Life.... It's Up To You Which Side You Wanna Take....
Reading Is Very Powerful.... It Gives You The Illusion To See The Past, Present, Future And Even Seeing The Invisible.... So READ....
The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people the power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude.
America is exceptional in combining standard great-power realism with extravagant idealism about the country's redemptive role in creating international order.
While other creatures of the evolution are just watching the universe, man alone has the power to change the fate of the universe.
Atheism is a lack of belief...what about the powers of darkness, and that of light, will you trace both to nothing? Then you must have created yourself.
God is able to give you the power to endure that which cannot be changed... Why be anxious? Come what may, God is able.
All in the eye of the beholder - Some of the most destructive forces in the world (Fire & Water), can also have the power of beauty.
Madison Avenue is a very powerful aggression against private consciousness. A demand that you yield your private consciousness to public manipulation.