When we are passionate about God, we can trust our passions.
Chasing Daylight: Seize the Power of Every MomentWhen we forgive, the slave we free is ourselves.
Dare to Forgive: The Power of Letting Go & Moving onA confident decision makes a lasting goal.
Dragonflame: Tap Into Your Reservoir of Power Using Talismans, Manifestation, and VisualizationMaster the power of attitude and you'll live a powerful life.
The End of Stress: Four Steps to Rewire Your BrainKnowledge planted in truth grows in truth. Strength born of peace loses nothing to hate.
Elemental: The Power of Illuminated LoveThis fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls.
Elemental: The Power of Illuminated LoveUnlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.
The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956In a post-Christian, skeptical age, love on display is the most convincing apologetic.
Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity RevolutionaryAwe combined with intimacy is the essence of Christian worship.
Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity RevolutionaryIf you watch a scary movie together, then the scariness is cut in half!
Hetalia: Axis Powers, Vol. 2Many people think that happiness comes from having more power or more money.
Hector and the Search for HappinessYou can't lie in a magical forest! It will ruin all the magic!
Blue and the Magical Forest: The Power of Hopes and DreamsFreedom isn't the highest good. Power is. For without power, your freedom can be taken.
The Blinding Knife