The proliferation of creative power can transform the world for all of its inhabitants.
Power and money Like Pooh Bear and honey Stick fast.
If fucking up is power, I should be the Hulk by now.
The first step toward power is to accept reality
A single fleeting word has the power to make or break a person.
Read it wisely, Little One, for the power of ignorance is great.
Maybe your unspeakable defects give you power too?
Colour is a power which directly influences the soul.
Of all the wastes of human ignorance perhaps the most extravagant and costly to human growth has been the waste of the distinctive powers of womanhood after the child-bearing age.
The terror of the atom age is not the violence of the new power but the speed of man's adjustment to it, the speed of his acceptance.
Architects today tend to depreciate themselves, to regard themselves as no more than just ordinary citizens without the power to reform the future.
Have confidence in God's character, love, and power.
A mother’s love—" "Fuck love," Amber snarls, "she wants power.
Sometimes the words people don't say are as powerful as the ones they do.
In truth the issue is that we are so powerful what we believe becomes our reality.
Any political philosophy is perfect in a given moment...but moments are fleeting.
Only a perfect rose, has the power to persuade a perusal of its petals
For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.
Grace is God-given power to live differently.
The 'will to power and independence' has become so ubiquitous that it is now considered normal.
...the truth was more powerful than a lie could ever be (Eric)