The wise man does not grow old, but ripes.
A man that loves and cherishes his woman and his family is a man of honor.
No young man ever thinks he shall die.
The natural man has only two primal passions, to get and to beget.
Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock.
Believe in the power of dreams.
God's grace is the power for greatness.
But only art and music have the power to bring peace.
Sometimes the best lighting of all is a power failure.
The best people to have power are the ones who don't want it.
Time is the biggest power of the universe.
Power is something that is out of term.
Children are resilient and strong with powerful spirits.
Power to the people then and now.
All we have is our vote. But it's powerful.
Power is so characteristically calm, that calmness in itself has the aspect of strength.
A government without the power of defense! It is a solecism.
The women of the country have the power in their own hands, in spite of the law and the government being altogether of the male order.
Reading is power. Reading is life.
Failure are given power, not success ..
Money creates a power relationship between the payer and the payee.