Mass amateurization of publishing makes mass amateurization of filtering a forced move.
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without OrganizationsAnybody who predicts the death of cities has already met his spouse.
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without OrganizationsOne of the biggest changes in our society is the shift from prevention to reaction...
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without OrganizationsThe low cost of aggregating information also allowed the formalization of sharing [...].
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without OrganizationsOur social tools are not an improvement to modern society, they are a challenge to it.
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without OrganizationsAt the edge of madness you howl diamonds and pearls.
Journey through the Power of the Rainbow: Quotations from a Life Made Out of PoetryWhat is this slow blue dream of living, and this fevered death by dreaming?
Journey through the Power of the Rainbow: Quotations from a Life Made Out of PoetryYou are the hybrids of golden worlds and ages splendidly conceived.
Journey through the Power of the Rainbow: Quotations from a Life Made Out of PoetryEach star is a mirror reflecting the truth inside you.
Journey through the Power of the Rainbow: Quotations from a Life Made Out of PoetryWe use mindfulness to observe the way we cling to pleasant experiences & push away unpleasant ones.
Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation