I had my first 'Survivor Series' in 1991 and I was fortunate enough to be an instrumental part of the shows I was on.
Style is the instrument you can pick back up when you want to regain some of the confidence you've lost.
I'm for the Wall Street Occupiers. But will they accept me when they find out I sell packaged mortgage default instruments to children?
I detest talking about myself. There is a reason why people pick up an instrument and put it between themselves and the rest of the world.
Voices are like fingerprints, from Cagney to Bogart. They never lost it. My voice is instrumental in categorizing me.
I'm getting ready to write a piece now, and it's been six months thinking about it, changing the instrumentation, changing the name, doing more reading.
I thought I'd do everything on four-track, and then I'll record every instrument myself in a studio, and then I'll have a solo album released by spring.
I don't think I'm even close to fulfilling my potential. And I think also that, unlike a pianist or a flutist, an actor has an instrument that is constantly changing.
There is no earthly reason why a solo string instrument or voice, having the possibility to play or sing pure intonation, should want, or try, to be tempered.
I think if you are writing an instrumental you are dealing with more of an aesthetic in a sense but a lyric is more of a putting yourself on the line and a much more expensive exercise.
A feather when viewed separately may seem like only a feather, But when seen through the eyes of truth it is a sacred instrument that lifts a bird in flight.
I am officially a doctor, and believe it or not, I can save lives and tune certain instruments and can beat peasants with a stick.
My father had all kinds of instruments in the house that he would hide from my mother. He bought them through mail order!
How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god.
By the time I got to building synthesizers, I had perhaps 20 years' experience building electronic musical instruments.
I would argue that television and particularly the BBC were instrumental in puffing up the Royal Family to a level where they were inflated out of all, all proportion to their relevance on the national scene.
You know, it comes from my mother's side of the family. She had seven sisters and one brother, and all of them could play instruments. I suppose I picked it up from that.
The real message of the Dance opens up the vistas of life to all who have the urge to express beauty with no other instrument than their own bodies, with no apparatus and no dependence on anything other than space.
In chess one cannot control everything. Sometimes a game takes an unexpected turn, in which beauty begins to emerge. Both players are always instrumental in this.
I'd actually say that every musician is a human being, and that not everybody likes being social. But with music, there are all these ingredients to the business that have nothing to do with writing songs or playing an instrument.
I love contrast in music. Being inspired by classical, actually - in high school especially - classical and metal both, I remember having this cool realization that they are really similar. It's just different instrumentation.