I love the sounds and the power of pounding water, whether it is the waves or a waterfall.
Each tear being shed holds a thousand pounds of truth.
Carrying 200 pounds of velvet and satin around a stage for 90 minutes - that's man's work, let me tell you.
There are a lot of valid reasons for wanting to feel safer. But hiding from pain or perceived threats behind a wall of weight is not the way to go about it. First of all, being a fat adult will never change the circumstances of anyone's childhood. Th...
Love hurts worse than getting slammed by a 250-pound linebacker.
I've caught fish as big as I am. I've caught marlin close to 300 pounds.
Though I weigh only 120 pounds, when I'm mad, I weigh a ton.
Everyone expects me to be 9 feet tall and weigh 200 pounds when they meet me.
I recently lost 50 pounds. I'm hovering on the cusp of a size eight, which seems unbelievable.
Marathons are hard because of the physical pain, the pounding on the muscles, joints, tendons.
I'm always two inches too short and ten pounds too heavy. Figures.
I suppose the real cult things now are independent films made for a million pounds.
I was as big as I have ever been. I had a personal trainer and was working out. I was feeling good. I was muscular. I had never weighed more than 155 pounds.
I have a wonderfully hedonistic appetite, and if I wasn't really strict with myself, I'd weigh 300 pounds. I'm not good with moderation.
Sure, our three-pound brains might be inadequate to understand the universe. But perhaps they're just good enough to build something that can.
I made my living being 20 or 30 pounds heavier than the average model. And that's where I got famous.
I'm sort of in for a penny, in for a pound with Star Trek, It's my life at this point. To deny it would just be foolish.
Now just the thought of eating ice cream puts pounds on me.
I'm John Salley, and I'm a vegan. I'm a vegan because I'm only four pounds heaver than I was in 1989.
If you owe your bank a hundred pounds, you have a problem. But if you owe a million, it has.
Yes, I know and then in the same time period within those nine years I lost 150 pounds.