Women's movement has an effect on potency.
Fashion is a potency in art, making it hard to judge between the temporary and the lasting.
The art of publicity is a black art; but it has come to stay, and every year adds to its potency.
If the word has the potency to revive and make us free, it has also the power to blind, imprison, and destroy.
The violinist is that peculiarly human phenomenon distilled to a rare potency - half tiger, half poet.
If we look at music history closely, it is not difficult to isolate certain elements of great potency which were to nourish the art of music for decades, if not centuries.
Palestine is our unforgettable historic home. The very name would be a force of marvelous potency for summoning our people together.
There's real potency in metal. Metal fans love metal as if it's a nation they would fight for. It's not diluted by pop culture.
Between the desire And the spasm, Between the potency And the existence, Between the essence And the descent, Falls the Shadow.
Under the spell of the right song, passion is within reach... love is close by... and you are not alone! With such potency, music should be treated with care. The sound, the feel, the presentation... everything! It is a medicine. It is a teacher!
One of the most treasured books that I own is Donald Allen's 'The New American Poetry, 1945-1960.' It was a totem of great importance and potency to my group of writer friends in college from 1960 to 1964.
A conviction borne of God amply possesses the potency and power to brazenly reach beyond the possible in order to topple the impossible.
In every dream, there lays a cost to be paid. The potency and relevance of your ideas will determine the cost to be paid!
Stapled to her gaze, sucked into the potency of her focus, only the trace of her blood in my mouth reassures me this is not a vision but a hallucinogenic pause from responsibility.
...or perhaps about acknowledging that life is a delicate balance of great forces, and that good would lose its potency if there was no evil left to fight in the world.
It's crazy when you think about the 'Apes' franchise and how dark all of the endings are and how dark the movies are, and yet there's something very pleasurable about these movies. It really comes down to the potency of this idea, of seeing intellige...
As the senior commander in Vietnam, I was aware of the potency of public opinion - and I worried about it.
Cynicism is extremely contagious, and the most pious among us cannot long endure its potency. The gullible should be on their guard, however, since this endearing quality frequently masquerades as wit.
For books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are; nay, they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them.
Fill my mouth with the accuracy and potency of Your word and Spirit that I may make war through prayer with swift precision (Psalm 144:1).
Books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are; nay they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them.