Success is the only motivational factor that a boy with character needs.
The little boy inside of all us men always loves something video game related.
I was a boy, suddenly treated like the men and expected to act like them.
People are always telling me that boys won't go to girls' movies and vice versa. It's not true.
Jafar: How many times do I have to kill you, boy?
Lana's Mom: I don't want IT in my house.
I read a lot of W.E.B. Du Bois, who wrote 'The Souls of Black Folk.'
I'm a big boy now, and I have to deliver.
I don't understand boys - just ask my husband.
I don't think, until the end, I had read a positive review of Boy Meets World.
There's more to life than dating the boy on the football team.
My only friends were boys, and I was just one more of them.
I keep fit by running after my three boys all day.
Better a bad excuse, than none at all.
Weirdness is not my game. I'm just a square boy from Wisconsin.
I also used to work in the Catskill Mountains as a bus boy, and I performed in talent shows.
I had to work on a Marlin boat, like gutting fish, like as the bait boy.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
What I get a bit angry about is the image of women.
Everything connected with war and warlike exploits is interesting to a boy.
I'd forgotten that a boy from the streets is no match for the future Princeps.