Baloo: [scatting] Well, it's a doo-bah-dee-doo, yes, it's a doo-bah-dee-doo, I mean a doo-bee, doo-bee, doo-bee, doo-bee, doo-bee-dee-doo. And with... [Sees Mowgli] Baloo: Well, now. Ha ha! What have we here? [sniffs Mowgli] Baloo: Hmmm. Say, what a ...
Reggie Lampert: Not until you proof to me that you're really Brian Crookshank. Brian Crookshank: All right, one day next week I'll put it on a marriage license. How about that...? Reggie Lampert: [interrupting] Quit stalling. I want some identificati...
Tony Wendice: How about coming with me to a stag party? Mark Halliday: A stag party? Tony Wendice: Yes, some American boys have been playing tennis all over the country. We're giving them a sort of farewell dinner. Mark Halliday: Sounds great, but I'...
Todd Anderson: [last lines] Todd Anderson: [stands up on his desk] O Captain! My Captain! Nolan: Sit down, Mr. Anderson! Do you hear me? Sit down! Sit down! This is your final warning, Anderson. How dare you? Do you hear me? Knox: [climbs up onto his...
[Simon is in one of the dumptrucks driving gold through the unfinished aqueduct] Simon: [on a phone] Rear guard, you can close up now. [pauses, not getting an answer] Simon: We've reached the dam, you can come up now. [pauses again] Simon: Nils? You ...
School of Fish: Hey, hey! You like impressions? Dory: Mmm-hmm. School of Fish: Okay, just like in rehearsal, gentlemen. [School takes form of swordfish] School of Fish: So, what are we? Take a guess. Dory: Oh, oh, I've seen one of those. School of Fi...
Don Corleone: Call Bonasera. We need him now. [Tom Hagen calls Amerigo Bonasera] Tom Hagen: [on the phone] This is Tom Hagen, calling for Vito Corleone at his request. Now, you owe your Don a service. He has no doubt that you will repay him. In one h...
Hiccup: [about the Night Fury] I really did hit one. Gobber: Sure. Hiccup: He never listens! Gobber: Well, it runs in the family. Hiccup: And when he does, it's always with this... disappointed scowl, like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich....
Dumbledore: Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend. Therefore, I feel you have the right to know exactly how ...
Professor McGonagall: This can't go on Albus. First the dark mark, now this? Dumbledore: What do you suggest Minerva? Professor McGonagall: Put an end to it! Don't let Potter compete! Dumbledore: You heard Barty. The rules are clear. Professor McGona...
Sirius Black: We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. [everyone turns to look at Sirius] Sirius Black: Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command, not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He has been recr...
Bridget von Hammersmark: There have been two recent developments regarding Operation Kino. One, the venue has been changed from the Ritz to a much smaller venue. Lt. Aldo Raine: Enormous changes at the last minute? That's not very Germatic. Why the h...
Adolf Hitler: [in German] Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein! How much more of these Jew swine must I endure? They butcher my men like they were fish bait! I have heard the rumors myself! Soldiers of the Third Reich, who have brought the world to its...
Jem: There goes the meanest man that ever took a breath of life. Dill Harris: Why is he the meanest man? Jem: Well, for one thing, he has a boy named Boo that he keeps chained to a bed in the house over yonder. Boo only comes out at night when you're...
Lolita Haze: Why don't we play a game? Humbert Humbert: A game? Come on. No, you get on to room service at once. Lolita Haze: No, really. I learned some real good games in camp. One in "particularly" was fun. Humbert Humbert: Well, why don't you desc...
Joly: Marius, wake up! What's wrong today? You look as if you've seen a ghost. Grantaire: Some wine and say what's going on! Marius: A ghost, you say? A ghost, maybe. She was just like a ghost to me. One minute there, then she was gone. Grantaire: I ...
Mr. Hayes: All right, Billy. I know it sounds tought, but we are going to get you out! I promise you. I don't want you to get stupid and pull anything. They can play with your sentence. All right. Now, I'm putting 500 dollars in the bank. Anything yo...
Frank T.J. Mackey: [Frank is speaking to followers at his seminar] Men are shit. What? Men... are... *shit*. What, isn't that what they say? Because we do bad things, don't we? We do horrible, heineous, *heinous*, terrible things. Things that no woma...
John Anderton: [about Witwer's father] What does he think about your chosen line of work? Danny Witwer: I don't know. He was shot and killed when I was 15 on the steps of our church in Dublin. I know what it's like to lose someone close, John. 'Cours...
Christian: It's a little bit funny. Satine: What? Christian: This feeling inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide. Is this ok? Is this what you want? Satine: Ah, poetry. Yes, this it what I want naughty words. Christian: I don't have much mo...
Grandpapa: Now what I want to talk to you two about is the trouble that you've been getting into. Boys, the Lord didn't put you here to be shooting and killing each other. It's right there in the Bible, Exodus 20:13: '"Thou shall not kill.' Caine: Gr...