My mother made me do all the housework as a boy. I still do it, even in hotels.
I could not lose unless I was caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.
Conscience is what makes a boy tell his mother before his sister does.
Behind every piece of paper lies a human situation.
I will jump on anybody's private plane at the drop of a hat. I'm an old-fashioned lower-middle-class boy.
Boy, we'll get Raymond out and we won't go hungry anymore.
I was never into the boy crazy thing because I was very focused on my career.
I really never thought about the way I looked until boys came into the picture.
I was hired to do as many Boy Commando, Newsboy Legion, and Sandman stories as I could.
I don't get far enough into a boring book to hate it.
Let's face it I am not Joan Collins or Boy George.
Everyone always says, 'When you look at a boy band, one of them has to be gay.' No, they don't.
Boy George is all England needs - another queen who can't dress.
I'm not for or against video - or any medium or style, for that matter.
I want to see the birth of my baby. Hopefully it's a boy. He can play for St. John's.
I was interested in psychic things and in spiritualism even as a boy. I'd started doing yoga by the early 1970s.
I had no idea this thing was televised. Boy, is my face red.
Unfortunately, I cook for two boys, and they don't care what it looks like on the plate, and neither do I.
Sisters have ways of socializing brothers into the mysteries of girls. Brothers have ways of socializing sisters into the puzzle that is boys.
Nineteenth-century grass-roots populism made twentieth-century progressivism possible.
Asked why they wanted to fight, the young women said they enjoyed it, just as some men and boys do.