I don't think comedy is something you learn. I think it's something that's either there or it's not.
Jessica WalterI think we're moving toward moments of grace and understanding. And I think these things take time.
Colum McCannI think there was a time when I was too strict and controlling. I think I asphyxiated my children.
Donatella VersaceI think all industries are sexist in nature and I don't think the film industry is any different.
Christine LahtiI think you are born, and I think you die. I have a pragmatic nature, but I yearn to believe.
Sebastian HorsleyI think science is a foreign land for many people, so I think of my role as an ambassador's job.
Marcus du SautoyI think that love isn't what you think it is when you're in your twenties or even thirties.
Paul TherouxI think glamour all the time. I wake up in the morning and I'm already thinking glamour.
Donatella Versace