Some things just can't be described. And stepping onto the moon was one of them.
When you're in a spacecraft, you need to know what things you can touch and what things you shouldn't touch!
In the 60s, if you wanted to be an actor, you couldn't do just one thing.
The things I enjoy most as I watch the movie are the things that came through without even thinking.
Always do one thing less than you think you can do.
Kissing onscreen is the worst thing in the world. I'm OK with lovemaking scenes, but I hate kissing.
Love conquers all things, let us surrender to love.
Politics should not be the least heart-filled thing we do, it should be the most heart-filled thing we do.
In politics people build whole reputations off of getting one thing right.
The Bible is very clear about one thing: Using politics to create fairness is a sin.
Sometimes things aren't clear right away. That's where you need to be patient and persevere and see where things lead.
It's one thing to have talent. It's another to figure out how to use it.
We might not be grateful for all things, but we can be grateful in all moments
I've never lost anything, but I have given some things up.
Memories are the only thing tie us to the past
sometimes the only thing wrong with you is thinking something's wrong with you.
The only thing scarier than death is the disappearance from youth.
Africans need to be kicked, that's the only thing they understand.
All efforts to make politics aesthetic culminate in one thing, war.
Self-worth comes from one thing - thinking that you are worthy.
Every movement has radicals. But the important thing is that the radicals are not the leaders.