We have used the presence of UNMIK, as well as other European and American agencies to establish a legal framework compatible with the European Union and that is already an advantage. We have seen the positive effects of this and our parliament will ...
A lot of the problems I had with fame I was bringing on myself. A lot of self-loathing, a lot of woe-is-me. Now I'm learning to see the positive side of things, instead of, like, 'I can't go to Kmart. I can't take my kids to the haunted house.'
I don't think of myself as a role model. I do try to live in a compassionate, considerate and positive way. The only advice I can offer is to find what you love to do, find the joy in it, and express yourself through your passion.
People dwell so much on the little things, but why should they hold you back when you have the big things to look forward to? By exuding positive energy when dealing with your problems, you will exude it in your being in general. Treat yourself with ...
Just for the simple fact that you are alive to witness a new day, makes your life amazingly great. With the body, mind, and soul alive and in positive state, all things will surely remain possible, and opportunities will continue to be endless.
The only person who could succeed in dethroning you from the throne that God has placed you on, is nobody else but you. So, sit comfortably with a mind full of positive thoughts and beliefs, and dare not to ever betray yourself.
Positive minded people who believe in their abilities, also believe in other people's ability to succeed in life. So what does this tell you about the people who don't believe in your goals and dreams?
You can only start to discover your true positive self in life, if you rise to the challenge and take total control of your thoughts and beliefs, and never permit them to negatively control you again.
You are tougher than the challenges you are currently faced with. They cannot break you without your consent. They are only temporarily there to make you stronger and wiser. Therefore, think positive, walk with faith, and courageously grow from them.
No matter how difficult your life gets, find a way to hold strong to your peace of mind by positively interpreting your negative experiences, counting your daily blessings, and visualizing your future opportunities and possibilities.
Don't permit your past to interfere with your present and future. There are endless possibilities that lie ahead. Go out there with a positive mental attitude and start creating opportunities for yourself instead of waiting for them to come to you.
Be curious enough to repeatedly search within you to discover your true purpose in life. When you find it, be sure to break loose from all limitations, and then align all your daily decisions and actions in its positive direction.
Morality is the only way of life that guarantees happiness. Whoever doesn't abide by it should never be taken as a role model or mentor, because it's obvious they don't have any positive purpose in life.
Stop complaining about friends who make your life miserable, and start surrounding yourself with positive minded individuals who would lift you up and show you the path to a blissful and successful future.
No matter what it is that you are going through in life at the moment, stay strong and positive with your daily thoughts. Leave everything else that is beyond your power in God's hand, and then relax and watch time heal your wounds.
You don't earn respect by trying to be like everyone else. You have to be your true positive self and consistently hold your ground before people would start to respect the mental strength and originality in you.
I go through challenges, obstacles, and struggles just like everyone else out there, but I handle them with the right mental attitude, and this is why I am always happy and positive with my life.
Some people will always talk no matter what you do or say; so you might as well do whatever pleases God and your positive inner-self and live happily thereafter.
If you find yourself always worrying about what the people around you would say if you start being your true positive self, this would mean that you are yet to bond with your true purpose on earth.
I was brought up in a Christian environment where, because God had to be given pre-eminence, nothing else was allowed to be important. I have broken through to the position that because God exists, everything has significance.
I'm a true believer that you have a moral obligation to keep your employees honest, and that is why you have controls, so I'm never tempted or put in a position where I could do something to defraud my employer.