Acting takes so much energy.
The reward of energy, enterprise and thrift is taxes.
I had bags of energy as a kid.
The source of this energy is the sun's radiation.
Just by breathing deeply on your anger, you will calm it. You are being mindful of your anger, not suppressing it...touching it with the energy of mindfulness. You are not denying it at all. When I speak about this to psychotherapists, I have some di...
Who says you need to wait until you 'feel like' doing something in order to start doing it? The problem, from this perspective, isn't that you don't feel motivated; it's that you imagine you need to feel motivated. If you can regard your thoughts and...
It is ironic that constructive thinkers are often misunderstood as negative, as they differ from those longing for positivity: constructive thinkers have been conditioned to find positive in negative rather than suffering from the negative in negativ... pointed to an alternative approach, a ‘negative path’ to happiness, that entailed taking a radically different stance towards those things that most of us spend our lives trying to avoid. It involved learning to enjoy uncertainty, embracing...
Singing gives me a lot of energy.
Time has its own energy.
Matter and energy are dimensions of time.
Nothing is energy and everything is time.
I'm using more energy than ever.
I always have bananas with me for energy.
If we all collectively generate good energy, there will be a good outcome.
The future of the world, dependent as it is upon atomic energy, requires more understanding and knowledge about the atom.
Love is energy of life.
Wealth flows from energy and ideas.
Be positive and laugh at everything.
Love is the energy of life.
Millions of Indians are brimming with energy.