Some changes occur suddenly like a brilliant flash of lightning striking across a dark sky. These changes are stunning, exciting but can be quickly forgotten. Other changes happen slowly, gradually, like a flower blooming in early spring, each day un...
You know, small children take it as a matter of course that things will change every day and grown-ups understand that things change sooner or later and their job is to keep them from changing as long as possible. It’s only kids in high school who ...
If you could go back and change just one thing about your life, would you? and if you did, would that change make your life better? Or would that change ultimately break your heart? or break the heart of another? would you choose an entirely differen...
As long as scepticism is based on a sound understanding of science it is invaluable, for that is how science progresses. But poor criticism can lead those who are unfamiliar with the science involved into doubting everything about climate change pred...
The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ would take the slums out of people, and then they would take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changi...
Popularity is the small change of glory.
What is impossible to change is best to forget.
Things do not change; we change.
Change is inevitable. Change is constant.
Climate change is very real.
Change is hard, but change is good.
If nothing changes then nothing changes.
Change attitude to change the altitude of life.
all appears to change when we change
Times have changed. The athletes have changed.
A change of heart changes everything.
The first thing that stuck in the minds of the disciples was not the empty tomb, but rather the empty grave clothes - undisturbed in form and position.
Actors put ourselves in awkward positions all the time.
The underdog winning is the romantic position.
Obama's position on marriage is brazenly cynical.
Properly used, positive reinforcement is extremely powerful.