I want to do what I love, which is act, and hopefully through that, leave a positive impact somehow, someway, with somebody.
There is nothing more attractive than a great positive personality. Its beauty never fades away with time.
You owe it to your destiny to never allow your thoughts and beliefs to go against your positive desires.
It is your sole responsibility to protect every single one of your days on earth with positive thoughts and beliefs.
Instead of always following the crowd, why not aim to become an unstoppable positive force for the crowd to follow?
Instead of you trying to impress others, why don't you strive to become the one that people would love to positively impress?
Happiness is a tenant that would only move into your life if you consistently focus on the positive side of your life.
The journey of life is not a competition between you and others; rather, it is a quest to fulfill your true positive purpose on earth.
Spend some quiet time each day to get closer to your positive inner-self. It is always calling for your undivided attention.
Have faith in the manifestation of your positive desires; God is always at work, and will never seize to perform wonders in our lives.
Is the energy of your circle positive enough to bring out the best in you? If it's not, then it's time to wisely reposition yourself.
The more I inspire others to search and discover their true positive purpose on earth, the more meaningful my state of existence becomes.
To move in the forward direction is to be strong and positive enough to bury every negative experience in the past.
The world is desperately waiting on your positive input. Try not to permit fears and doubts to hold you back.
Be so focused on achieving your true positive purpose in life, that you wouldn't have the time to be minding other people's business.
Be the positive light that the crowd follows; instead of allowing them to block your light to your true purpose on earth.
Life would never seize to be a beautiful journey if you approach each day with the right positive mindset.
No matter how bad the storms of trials and tribulations get, a strong positive mind always wins in the end.
Positive results are always inevitable when you refuse to live a life of fears, doubts, excuses, blames and procrastinations.
Israel always has to be in a position to defend itself against any adversary and against any threat of any kind.
I neither will aspire to nor will I accept, the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief.