Frankly, the only thing China has in easy abundance is people and dirty coal. Neither is the asset they're made out to be.
Crafty politician that he is, Obama was smart enough to set low enough standards for his administration to claim 'victory' by the summer of 2011 or so.
Every U.S. president enters office promising stronger ties with our southern neighbors, only to thereupon largely ignore them.
The most important thing you need to know about the Pentagon is that it is not in charge of today's wars but rather tomorrow's wars.
If you can get out in front of people with your ideas and your execution, you'll attract the people who need to be pulled in.
The perfect state of creative bliss is having power (you are 50) and knowing nothing (you are 9). This assures an interesting and successful outcome.
When I saw houses in Palmdale going for $500K, I knew something was wrong. If you got foreclosed, I don't feel sorry for you!
What libertarians assert is simply that differences among normal adults do not imply different fundamental rights.
Guardians are necessary for children and abnormal adults, because they cannot make responsible choices for themselves.
To repeat, communitarians maintain that we are constituted as persons by our particular obligations, and therefore those obligations cannot be a matter of choice.
Successful communication depends on how well we listen, rather than how well we push our opinions on the person seated before us.
When you live in Brooklyn, if you throw a rock, you'll hit a writer - Jonathan Safran Foer, Jonathan Lethem, Paul Auster.
Old radio comedy makes me laugh, as well as 'I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue' and comedians like Paul Merton.
I am opposed to any individual taxes until we eliminate all of the unconstitutional agencies, and I suspect we wouldn't need a tax after that.
Occupy Wall Street didn't just spring from the earth organically, out of thin air. This was all part of the global socialist movement.
Barack Obama is Occupy Wall Street. Barrack Obama is plugged into that world. That's what he believes.
The man who was known as 'no drama Obama' during the campaign has given us nothing but depleting and infuriating drama since he arrived in office.
If there were a bunch of Buddhist or Hindus or Roman Catholics carrying out grotesque acts of international terror, I would expect to see their faces on the side of bus.
Messrs. Washington and Lincoln would be appalled and saddened by what their successor, President Obama, and the modern Democratic Party are doing to the nation they dedicated their lives to keep alive.
Meet them once and you're innocent; meet them twice and you're not. So if you see me having drinks again with Harvey Weinstein then, okay, you've got me.
How do we take the bad out of fracking? How do you contain the water? How do we make a profit out of that? Get there early.