From a very early age, as far back as I can remember, I always played sports.
My education began in the public schools of Wilmington. During most of these years, from about age 10, I also worked at some job or other after school, on weekends, and in the summer months.
I briefly flirted with some of the new age offerings available in the early '90s and found strength in Buddhism, but ultimately I was looking for something that was not tied to tradition.
I always sensed instinctively from the earliest age that I was being lied to.
For every quarrel a man and wife have before others, they have a hundred when alone.
Making checklists of things you're looking for in a person is the numero uno thing you can do to guarantee you'll be alone forever.
Man, I hate to get depressing on you, but I don't have a game. I'm so alone, so depressed, so dark, no.
Let there be no mistake. A gay man alone could never begin to replicate the inner workings of the female mind.
I'd like to state that Spike Lee is not saying that African American culture is just for black people alone to enjoy and cherish. Culture is for everybody.
I don't understand the Democrats' approach to Social Security in this country, and I'm not alone.
My mom, the fabulous Bertie Kinsey, is an amazing seamstress. She quilts and sews and is so crafty. We call her the Southern Martha Stewart!
When art in general, and film in particular, succeeds is when it pulls you away onto a voyage. Then it's a good film.
Men ras är inte biologi; ras är sociologi. Ras är inte genotyp; ras är fenotyp. Ras är betydelsefullt på grund av rasismen.
What the war did to dreamers.
Nothing is more conservative than a bacterium.
Imperfection is my ticket, perfection is my pursuit.
I had great representatives looking out for my best interests and safety. They just happened to be my parents.
The coach doesn't have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be your best.
I believe in prayer. It's the best way we have to draw strength from heaven.
Try on 100 different hats if you can, until you find the one that suits you best. It's a trial and error thing.
It was difficult for me because I was searching for the answer for so long, and the answer was right in front of me. Do what I do best.