I played sports in high school and in college.
My dream was always to be on the cover of 'Sports Illustrated.'
I'm a big sports fan - mainly basketball.
I'm a football fan, a sports fan, a fan of competition.
I always tell people that our sports aren't that dangerous.
I can't work without music.
My passion for music has always inspired my designs.
Women have a favorite room, men a favorite chair.
My mom reminds me that all things are possible.
My mom was a diabetic. Her sister was a diabetic, so I was already a candidate.
The 'believe' tattoo is because my mom always told me to believe.
My mom raised me to never have anything control me.
In Hollywood, you play a mom and instantly, you've got osteoporosis.
I'm a mom, but I don't always want to look just like that.
I used to do skits for my mom... and I was always entertaining as a kid.
My mom and I have always had issues.
Being a mother is hard and it wasn't a subject I ever studied.
You don't inherit cancer; you actually get it.
Ja nie jestem, mnie nie ma, ja dopiero będę.
Why do they cover Paul's songs but never mine?
I went to Princeton, I minored in women's studies.