America's veterans deserve the very best health care because they've earned it.
Some of the best health care services are free or cost very little and are even available to millionaires but hardly anyone knows they exist.
We need to increase access to health insurance through Health Savings Accounts and high deductible policies, so individuals and families can purchase the insurance that's best for them and meets their specific needs.
The acknowledgement of having suffered evil is the greatest step forward in mental health.
It is imperative for our mental health that we surround ourselves with like minded people.
The typical family of four with employer-based health insurance is not the same as the typical family of four. It's better-off.
Government did get into the health care business in a big way in 1965 with Medicare, and later with Medicaid, and government already distorts the marketplace.
Of course, plenty of people don't think that guaranteeing affordable health insurance is a core responsibility of government.
What you see is when the government gets involved, you run out of money and health care gets rationed.
There are lots of people with mental health disabilities, and that's just the way their life is; it's not like you see it in the movies.
People have been talking about competition among insurers, and what they really need to be talking about is competition in the delivery of health care as well.
If Charlton Heston can have a constitutional right carry a rifle, why can't grandma have a constitutional right to health care?
The bottom line: health care reform is about the patient, not about the physician.
Medical professionals, not insurance company bureaucrats, should be making health care decisions.
Congress mandated that health care providers in emergency departments and ambulances provide emergency care to anyone in need, including the uninsured and underinsured.
People don't trust private health insurance companies for all the right reasons.
Today right here in America we have 50 million people without health insurance.
Women are half the population and they know how to take care of themselves, if they are only given access to health care.
I will continue to support legislation that provides American families and Seniors affordable health care.
In 2001, America 's hospitals provided nearly $21 billion in uncompensated health care services.
Obviously, there is much similarity among the challenges of transgender people and all women - from health care to harassment to discrimination in the workplace.