Poors are Gift of Rich And Politics
There is, in fact, a paradox about working to serve the community, and it is this: that to aim directly at serving the community is to falsify the work; the only way to serve the community is to forget the community and serve the work.
The French work to live, but the Swiss live to work.
Hard work pays off - hard work beats talent any day, but if you're talented and work hard, it's hard to be beat.
We're an ideal political family, as accessible as Disneyland.
In politics, as in business, leadership is crucial.
Politics is not a game. It is an earnest business.
One can be a great poet and be politically stupid.
Discretion is the polite word for hypocrisy.
The Pope is not a political figure.
I'm not consumed with political machinations.
Improvising political dialogue is not easy.
When I was 20, political music was the uncoolest thing on earth.
The movies were custard compared to politics.
Politics doesn't matter, policy does.
The way politics divides the world is into friend and enemy.
There is this concept of politics as a dirty game.
The gun is not out of Irish politics.
Well, purity - there's no purity in politics.
In politics, yesterday's lie is attacked only to flatter today's.
Where there is politics or economics, there is no morality.