If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable.
I'm happy and I'm focused on my work... it's incredible to be able to work with 20th Century Fox and to keep opening doors for Mexicans and Latins in the United States.
I've always wanted to work with Paul Newman. I had a couple opportunities in the past, and I didn't take advantage of it, so it was really fun to be working with him.
Sugar leaves you stranded; I make sure I have the proper amount of protein before I work out.
In today's world, we all live with the burden of feeling that anything is possible if we're only clever enough, smart enough, work hard enough.
The grim reality is that most start-ups fail. Most new products are not successful. Yet the story of perseverance, creative genius, and hard work persists.
I try really hard to give my kids as much independence as I can, caring mostly about their character: Are they kind? Generous? Do they work hard?
The fact is I'm an opportunist. I'll take materials around me, materials on my table, and work with them as I'm searching for an idea that works.
I come from a very rough background, and I'm saying that if you work hard and dedicate yourself that you can make it, too.
More than working toward the book's climax, I work toward the denouement. As a reader and a writer, that's where I find the real satisfaction.
People have this conception of plus size models as girls who aren't fit or don't work out or don't really take care of their bodies.
I don't think about those things, really. I work hard on everything I do. Everything is a struggle, everything is hard, everything is difficult.
I just work hard and do things as they come along. But it has been a challenge to learn that I have to say 'no' to things and to know how and what to prioritize.
I burn so many calories when I work out that I don't really count calories or necessarily try and stay away from anything.
When you take something extremely broad, then it is not a work of expansion or work of compression. It's hard because you have to decide what to throw out.
I like kids' work more than work by real artists any day.
You'll work hard to create characters that are compelling and unforgettable. But in the end, it's the story that matters.
I was either told or I realised on my own terms that if you're going to be star-struck with the people you're working with, you're not going to work very well.
According to Johnny Carson, I was the guy who Marlon sent out to do all the dirty work.
I noticed that democracy was broken and tried to work on fixing that in Japan. Then I realized that it was broken all over the place and decided to work on that too.
My job is to help the functioning of the story, not to draw attention to myself, but to make my characters function within the story, to work for the benefit of the story, to make the whole thing work.