Most blacks will argue that they excel because of hard work, because of intellect, determination, sweat, blood, tears and risk.
I think a lot about teaching my kids to work hard.
Creating and producing creative work, to me, those are all happy accidents.
At Pixar, after every movie we have postmortum meetings where we discuss what worked and what didn't work.
I am prepared to work hard enough to win. It's basically up to me.
A computer shall not harm your work or, through inaction, allow your work to come to harm.
There's no secret to working with kids. They either charm you and you can work with them, or they don't charm you and you feel you're stuck with them.
There's so much joy in doing comedy work, and that's one of the reasons I like to do it - because it's just a hilarious day at work.
Award trophies, as opposed to letting the players define and claim their own. Ultimately, pay them to play so that their activity not only resembles work but is work.
I enjoy adapting my own work, or anybody's work. I like to adapt books.
Luck and being honest and sincere about work has worked for me and helped me reach where I am.
I used to lie awake at night, willing myself to put in the hard work, the determination, the passion.
As foreign as it would be for you to go running in regular shoes, I want it to be just as foreign for you not to work out in your Under Armour.
I believe that anyone can be what they want to be; it just comes down to hard work.
'Polytechnique' changed everything in my way of working. I became an adult, really, during those five years. I didn't work on anything else but 'Polytechnique.'
I go into meetings, and people have this preconceived notion of me that I didn't work hard to get where I am.
I've been very lucky and been able to work, as an actress, but I'm definitely a working actress. I get a script, I audition, and then I pray.
Any lazy or biased fool can have opinions; making judgments is the hard work of responsible and compassionate people.
I've been spending this last month trying to find four outfits to wear to the different premieres of The Two Towers. It's hard work.
I still get excited by working with big names. You have that initial moment of, 'Oh my goodness, I'm going to work with Tom Cruise!'
Hard work makes easy reading or, at least, easier reading.