The chief prerequisite for a escort is to have a flexible conscience and an inflexible politeness.
Politics is not a picture on a wall or a television sitcom that you can decide you don't much care for.
The difference between politics and religion is that the first makes it legal to hate, and makes the love of the second illegal.
In modern politics, even the leader of the free world needs help from the sultan of Facebookistan.
Because, you know, you're in Utah. And because of its political conservatism, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.
I would make a film with a political point of view if I agreed with it, and even, perhaps, if I didn't.
If we don't believe in moral absolutes and then we get into a cultural-political debate, how are we going to win?
The way people imagine their political leaders is, like it or not, an important factor in how they decide to vote and, indeed, whether they vote at all.
I got more and more politically active and just followed the course of feminism and sexual liberation.
I may have my personal political thing, but we never wanted it to stain the show.
It is important to bear in mind that political campaigns are designed by the same people who sell toothpaste and cars.
Truth is I don't think God on a daily basis. I think politics, science.
Well, I wouldn't say that this experience had any influence on my decision to do this film about Andy, because Andy was apolitical. Andy was never political.
Experience shows that when political governance and economic management diverge, overall development becomes unsustainable.
There is a diversity of thought and philosophy, diversity of languages and dialects, diversity of political spectrum, and there's a diversity of taste for food. I don't label or characterize Jews in any way.
In the Seventies, my children played in the street, read politically incorrect stories, ate home-cooked food and occasional junk and, yes, were sometimes smacked.
This freedom of political discussion on the highest level is something which Western civilization has in common with that of classical antiquity, but with no other.
At the political level, most Jews and most Catholics have accepted the liberal idea of religious freedom.
Value your freedom or you will lose it, teaches history. 'Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn.
I am not in politics. 'President Mutombo?' No, no, no. There has never been a politician in my family, and I am not going to try to be the first one.
I grew up in a family where the women were just nuts. They didn't stand around in cardigans making polite conversation while they chopped tomatoes.