There are people who believe in expanding the welfare state across the spectrum of races and ethnicities and creeds.
At the end of the spectrum when you get to that 12th step, when you have that spiritual awakening we make ourselves available to help other people.
I've experienced the highest of highs and lowest of lows. I think to really appreciate anything you have to be at both ends of the spectrum.
Mobile communications had been around for a long time, but always as a limited market, constrained by the radio spectrum.
If you think about filmmaking as an entire spectrum, starting with the writer and ending with maybe the marketing department, the actor's contribution is a rather slender band.
She was a prism through with sadness could be divided into its infinite spectrum
Kids don't talk like adults, but kids on the spectrum don't necessarily fall into the same patterns of speaking or have the same interests as other kids their age.
I mean, the type of art that I enjoy is art that - I enjoy a very broad spectrum, but I especially like art that leaves me a little confused and uncertain as to what just happened.
Life can be seen through several spectrums of light, but it’s the person who is doing the soul searching that defines what they may see.
Rap is only one end of a whole spectrum of verbal play and virtuosity. Rap is geared for aural pleasure.
I feel like I really tapped into a pretty honest emotional place for myself as a lyricist. There's a broad spectrum of emotions.
I can play very annoying girl, very lost girl and then all the things in the spectrum between.
I think in the past I think I probably was a little too diverse, probably went from one spectrum to the complete opposite and confusing people.
I think Christine and Chad are on the opposite extremes of the spectrum. Christine is a model victim, and Chad is a model perpetrator, and Howard is closer to the middle.
The rate of change and innovation occurring across the entire spectrum of society demands that a company like XL utilize the highest level of analytics and information to solve problems for our clients.
One advantage to having a kid on the spectrum: they tend to be rule followers. Socially, things are harder for them than most kids.
As far as the radio waves part of the spectrum, we can do these adequately from the ground because the atmosphere is basically transparent to our radio waves.
Give me something in between the spectrums of light, darkness and sound and most days I will create something out of it for you.
The vast majority of Americans, at all coordinates of the economic spectrum, consider themselves middle class; this is a deeply ingrained, distinctly American cognitive dissonance.
The Swartzentruber Order is the most conservative on the Amish spectrum. Amish people have differences just like any culture.
When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience.