I got into writing and thinking about politics because I was told there would be no math.
Jeff GreenfieldWhen I entered politics, I took the only downward turn you could take from journalism.
Jim HightowerI don't want to be a politician. I don't like politics. It's petty; it fights dirty.
John MellencampTo go from politics to news, at least the subject matter is the same, even if the view is different.
Jerry SpringerCampaigning in Wyoming is politics at its most retail level. It's done one voter at a time.
Mary CheneyWhen I got into politics, it was a shock. People promise all sorts of things and then never deliver.
Matt GonzalezI don't really like labels in politics, but I will gladly accept the label of conservatism.
Marco RubioEnter politics, and you enter the glass house; there are no secrets and no places to hide.
Nancy Gibbs