The noise increased and came from all directions. There was no amount of reason to negotiate the void between sound and movement.
Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.
But harboring regrets is making love to the past, and there is no movement here.
A no has a different frequency than a yes, and a maybe is all vibration, oscillating between no and yes. My favorite answers have no movement.
In Hitchcock's eyes the movement was dramatic, not the acting. When he wanted the audience to be moved, he moved the camera. He was a subtle human being, and he was also the best director I have ever worked with.
A fascinating challenge facing today's environmental movement is how to best approach the reversal of past decisions that altered once-pristine environmental spaces for the sake of urgent man-made needs.
Look at music: I've always loved hiphop and rap, and now there's this whole progressive movement, with De La Soul and Mos Def, Common. It's some of the best stuff around.
I was on a founding members of the Canadian theatre movement in the late 60's till the mid 70's and performed theatre from Halifax to Vancouver and all places in between.
The critical method which denies literary modernity would appear - and even, in certain respects, would be - the most modern of critical movements.
The challenge of screenwriting is to say much in little and then take half of that little out and still preserve an effect of leisure and natural movement.
You don't want to be the guy whose back's to the camera in the emotional part of the movie. So, you have to be aware of the camera movement and what the camera's doing.
In this movement of colors I find the essence, which does not arise from a system, or an a priori theory.
A little more movement of the defensive side of the ball, some rules that will be unnoticed, but a big rule will be allowing the jack linebacker to move out of the box sideline to sideline.
A social democratic party without deep roots in the working class movement would quickly fade into an unrepresentative intellectual sect.
It's about who owns the servers. The servers that store your metrics. The servers that shout the ads. The servers that transmit your chat. The servers that geofence your every movement.
I grew up in San Francisco in the 1970s. We were part of a church that belonged to the California Jesus movement.
You know, don't tell anybody I'm a jail bird, you know, but there were a bunch of us that were years ago involved in the pro-life movement.
While attendance at traditional churches has been declining for decades... the evangelical movement is growing, and it is changing the way America worships.
The substantial uncertainty about the path of asset price movements going forward necessarily reduces the case for altering policy in advance of the move.
It's the youth movement we have. A lot of young guys with a lot of passion. It brings the fun back to the game.
A system of cameras and censors are used along the border and interior to help detect the movement of illegal immigrants crossing through the dense brush.