Is there decency left in American politics?
Recall the metaphor I used in chapter 4 relating the random movements of molecules in a gas to the random movements of evolutionary change. Molecules in a gas move randomly with no apparent sense of direction. Despite this, virtually every molecule i...
Britain is obsessed with political correctness.
I'm not a political animal, I'm a curious animal.
It is morally, politically and socially wrong for business as business or labor as labor to participate directly in politics.
There is no reason for the government to limit political speech.
We will hang you, never fear, Most politely, most politely.
All political power is a trust.
Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn.
Women's movement has an effect on potency.
Puritanism was a youthful, vigorous movement.
We have to realize we are building a movement.
All human movement is expressive.
Perhaps because our culture and politics have gone so off course, with values so contrary to those of Jesus, more and more people intuitively recognize that His vision of God's kingdom-a new world of compassion, justice, integrity and peace- is the G...
Our categories are important. We cannot organize a social life, a political movement, or our individual identities and desires without them. The fact that categories invariably leak and can never contain all the relevant "existing things" does not re...
My father was not a political animal.
The greatest power is not money power, but political power.
A cult is a religion with no political power.
When I do a political movie, I do a political movie.
You may not be thinking about politics, but politics is thinking about you.
Either one lives 'for' politics or one lives 'off' politics.