Negative politics have always been around.
Idealism is the despot of thought, just as politics is the despot of will.
There's politics in all aspects of our daily lives.
Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards.
The crossroads of science and politics is a dodgy place.
Conscience has no more to do with gallantry than it has with politics.
I follow politics, but I don't like to discuss it.
Religion has to stay in the heart, not in politics. It is private.
Literature has to serve as a moral control of politics.
The characteristic political attitude of today is not one of positive belief, but of despair.
I personally do not believe in politics, hatred, or anger in my musical composition.
I've always said that an art critic can put aside politics around art.
Art is about play and about transcendent meanings, not reducible to politics.
It's important to feel beautiful; it's political to feel beautiful.
I think political people are afraid of me.
For me, politeness is a sine qua non of civilization.
I'm a Hollywood pinhead; I don't know about political labels.
Politeness [is] a sign of dignity, not subservience.
I have no political aspirations. That's it.
I'm driven by issues, not driven to be political.
I'm an economist. I'm not a political servant.