I think women do write politically all the time. Margaret Atwood does; Doris Lessing does.
I didn't really want to inject myself into anything political. A lot of people were asking me at the time about Jay and Conan, and I hate doing anything serious.
A wise governor told me a long time ago, political capital you don't get more of by keeping it. You get it by using it.
I was a political refugee living in Venezuela. I had a job that was twelve hours a day, no money. It was a hard time.
At the end of the day, money is just a proxy for votes. That is what makes politics so vulnerable to social media.
There is little doubt that we are in the midst of a revolution of a much more profound and fundamental nature than the social and political revolutions of the last half century.
Due to the political nature of film, partisan film making, especially where the subject is close to the film makers hart, tend to be the norm, rather than the exception.
Indeed it can be argued that to make a powerful film you must care about the subject, therefore powerful films tend to be both political and partisan in nature.
I am totally in favour of reform - but it must be reform that changes the nature of British politics, not simply the makeup or operation of parliament.
Political nature abhors a vacuum, which is what often exists for a year or two in a party after it loses a presidential election.
I am a strong believer in the intertwined nature of the personal and the political; I think they move together.
The years of the economic depression have been years of political reaction, and that is why the economic crisis has generated a world peace crisis.
The need for peace in Northern Ireland goes well beyond political stability. It now speaks to regional Europe and even global stability.
The practical core of democracy, defined functionally, is the peaceful exchange of power between different groups of powerful political players arranged in parties.
Clear limits should be set on how power is exercised in cyberspace by companies as well as governments through the democratic political process and enforced through law.
But I am not political in the current events sense, and I have never wanted anyone to read my poetry that way.
I've never read a political poem that's accomplished anything. Poetry makes things happen, but rarely what the poet wants.
I know the Russian political elite has got used to the Ukraine suffering from an inferiority complex, but I want this to disappear from our relationship.
Afghanistan's borders are arbitrary, drawn to meet 19th-century political needs rather than to respect ethnic or religious patterns.
Unfortunately, things are different in climate science because the arguments have become heavily politicised. To say that the dogmas are wrong has become politically incorrect.
Politicians often misuse science for political ends and to pursue their own agenda.