Argentine political life is like the life of an ant community or an African forest tribe: full of events, full of crisis and deaths, but life is always cyclical, and the year ends as it begins.
The association promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in any prior decisions.
The most difficult idea to reconcile in war is the notion that anything is going to be solved by killing a stranger, or in risking your life for a cause anchored in some distant political arena.
I'm not really interested in politics, because I think it's just too removed from my own life. If there's a war, though, or a disaster, I want to know what's happening.
We all know how powerful the web can be for raising political money. Well, if you're game, the Duke Cunningham Legal Defense Fund is apparently ready to accept your donation.
I enjoyed the administrative work because it involved working with Congress, city council, and the mayor. I had never been a politician so it was fun - learning political maneuvering.
I didn't run for student council president. I don't see myself in any way in elected office. I love policy. I'm not particularly fond of politics.
I love the ACLU and I'm concerned now, especially when it comes to our rights, with current politics and the religious community and the Conservative majority or minority - I don't know who they are.
I love politics, but I wouldn't want to be involved in it. Too little money, too much work! I don't really have the personality for that.
If I wasn't doing this, I'd be in school studying political science or socioeconomic something. I love visiting different cultures and finding out how they make up a society.
I still paint. I love the joy that color can give to our lives and to our communities. I try to bring something of the artist in me to my politics.
After graduating from college I worked at a variety of jobs, from banking to politics. I enjoyed whatever I was doing at the time but I didn't love my work.
To tell the truth is to become beautiful, to begin to love yourself, value yourself. And that's political, in its most profound way.
I just love movies, so suddenly, you're political about movies, and that's dark. It's just not fun when something you love becomes calculated.
To fully absorb the lessons of the Internet, urge the Internet-centrists, we need to reshape our political and social institutions in its image.
Dialogue is the basis of Indian culture, and we don't want to make any enemies. Political and ideological adversaries, perhaps, but not enemies.
If the only hammer you are given is the Internet, it's not surprising that every possible social and political problem is presented as an online nail.
I strongly believe in political activity that has to do with choices - and not consensus that sometimes covers problems and doesn't resolve them.
Perhaps no other body of literature is as subject to political pressures from within the community as gay fiction.
I recognize the Republican party as the sheet anchor of the colored man's political hopes and the ark of his safety.
Consider the Essay as a political pamphlet on the Revolution side, and the fact that it was the Whig gospel for a century, and you will see its working merit.