Mrs. Oxford: Woman's intuition is worth more than all those laboratories. I can't think why you don't teach it in police colleges.
Melvin Udall: Police! Donut-munching morons, HELP ME! HELP ME! Frank Sachs: Shh! Melvin Udall: Assault and Battery - and you're black!
Father Janovich: Why didn't you call the police? Walt Kowalski: Well you know, I prayed for them to come but nobody answered.
[Stocking a box with liquor for the police's Christmas party] Liquor Store Owner: If I ever get held up, you guys better be here.
Roger Thornhill: You're police, aren't you? Or is it FBI? The Professor: FBI, CIA, ONI... we're all in the same alphabet soup.
Henryk Szpilman: Ah, more Jewish police. You mean you want me to beat up Jews and catch the Gestapo spirit? I see.
Doyle: To call the police, you push 911 then just tell 'em to bring an ambulance, or a "hearst" if you're gonna kill me.
Police Inspector: Money and women. The reasons for make most mistakes in life. Looks like you've mixed up both.
Joe Turner: I need your car. Kathy: It's called grand theft. You don't want to get in trouble with the police.
Sarah Connor: [the T-1000 pursues John, Sarah, and the Terminator in a police helicopter] Chopper's coming in! The Terminator: It's him.
We pass bills authorizing improvements and grants. But when it comes time to pay for these programs, we'd rather put the country's money toward tax breaks for the wealthy than for police officers who are protecting our communities.
I talked to General Downer about some of the funding about the National Guard and some of the civil defense workers, the firefighters, the police officers, and the way that FEMA is making them spend that money. We have got a problem there.
HATE, even if it's making money. is an underground movie, that's how it was made. It's a film about police brutality in the largest sense, it's about the whole of society and not just about the hood.
The reason I like the criminal justice system is there aren't Republican or Democrat victims or police officers or prosecutors. It's about respect for the rule of law!
I think the success of democracy is not really police security; it's the presence of a broad middle class. The stronger the middle class of a people is, the less you have to worry about one group coming in and exploiting the democratic process for it...
Our religious police has the most dangerous effect on society - the segregation of genders, putting the wrong ideas in the heads of men and women, producing psychological diseases that never existed in our country before, like fanatacism.
Charlie Kaufman: How could you have somebody held prisoner in a basement and... and working at a police station at the same time? Donald Kaufman: [pause] Trick photography.
[while they are driving around in the shopping mall with 2 police cars on their tail] Elwood: Baby clothes... Jake: This place has got everything.
Batty: Did you get your precious photos? Leon: [shaking his head] ... Someone was there. Batty: Men? [Leon hesitates, then nods] Batty: POLICE men?
I was the weirdest kid: I wanted to see the police file - in grade school! I was convinced I could crack the case if I just had that file.
Civilians are arrested every single day - including innocent ones - and they must wait until their day in court in order to argue their side of the story. Police officers must be subjected to the same rules.